Under 11 metres, 11 to 18, over 18

If you don't know why it’s important which height band your block falls into then please call us right now. It makes a big difference to your legal obligations. We can manage blocks in all height bands.

Maximise return

Generating income means more than just making sure tenants pay the ground rent and service charge on time. We know how to wring every last drop of value from your asset, from optimising parking revenue, to securing the best deal for roof solar payments. You’d be surprised how much money there can be in something as simple as a foyer coffee machine.

Minimise risk

It’s all in the lease. The trouble we’ve found is many property professionals don’t know how to read the terms of lease and apply them correctly. Send the ground rent or service charge in the wrong format and the tenant can legally refuse to pay, exposing the freeholder to enormous financial risk. That’s why we have in-house legal expertise to make sure the lease terms are applied correctly.

Let’s talk

Get in touch to discuss how we might be able to improve how your block is managed.